Az 1526. évi mohácsi csata "árnyékseregei" Budapest, 2017 - Botlik Richárd

A 2017 októberében, pdf formátumban megjelent e-book teljes szövege olvasható, korlátlanul másolható, letölthető

Well known fact that Louis II King of Bohemia and Hungary suffered crushing defeat by Suleyman the Magnificent in the battle of Mohács on 29 August 1526. The young King drowned to the marsh and missed after the battle. According to some scientists of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Centre for the Humanities Institute of History, the battle is an “identity development event” and a “heroic standing” for us and “the Hungarian lead elite had done everything for success” in 1526 and “everyone involved in the fight, who counted”. It is fancy, so I published an e-book in 2017 (“Shadow Militaries of the Battle of Mohács – 1526”) and I tried to find some answers to the following questions.
1. We have evidence that King Louis and his Court should be collect over 60,000 men-at-arms from two countries (Hungary and Bohemia) but finally the King fought with only 25-27,000 soldiers against the Turks in 1526. What is the reason? Where were the “shadow militaries”?
2. Louis II had a different army, most of his infantry arrived from abroad (Germany, Bohemia, Silesia, Moravia, Poland, Italy) and the cavalry (14-16,000 light and heavy cavalry) was almost Hungarian. One of the eyewitness of the fight, István Brodarics Chancellor reported his Polish friends after the battle (on 6 September). The foreign infantry nearly all were lost during the fight, but “the most of the Hungarian soldiers are still in safe condition” – wrote the Chancellor – “in my opinion not so many riders had lost, because they have not seen worthy to fight against the countless number of the artilleries…” How can we compare the “heroic standing” with the facts (for example the real fight took about only 1,5 or 2 hours) of the Chancellor information?
3.  The Hungarian War Council had chosen two experienced generals before the battle, but they could not arrived to the battlefield. Neither Christopher Frangepan (he spent his time at Zagreb during the battle) with his Croatian cavalry nor János Szapolyai (he wrote a letter from Cluj 5 days before the battle) with his Transylvanian army never went to Mohács. Why? What happened?
4. Many of the Hungarian political élite and nobles were not joined to the King’s army. The nobles have been obliged to fight, according to the current laws in 1526. Did the nobles really do “everything” for success?
Two Hungarian historians – János B. Szabó and Norbert C. Tóth – criticized my e-book in Hadtörténelmi Közlemények 2018: 2, 321-350. p. (“Shadowboxing With the Shadow Army, or It Is Again Szapolyai to Blame For Everything. Reflections on Richard Botlik’s new book about how the Hungarian elite took military roles in 1526."). There are many mistakes and they were mixed some sources in their criticism, which does not lack of the personal attack against me and my book’s lector as well. For example, they claimed about me that I finished my graduate study before I was 30 years old and this is the reason why I made a different point of view in my e-book like nowadays the Institute of History. This is a ridiculous, irrelevant and shameful statement. Ridiculous, because I was born in 1977 and I completed my studies in 2010, so I was 33 years old when I graduated. I have just thinking how to use them any source correctly from the 16th century, if they could not calculate with my simple data, which one is public and easy to access for anyone. Irrelevant, because – I hope – it does not matter who and when finished her/his studies. Shameful, because János B. Szabó and Norbert C. Tóth both are working under the control of the Hungarian Humanities Institute of History.


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Oldal: Discussion with János B. Szabó and Norbert C. Tóth
Az 1526. évi mohácsi csata "árnyékseregei" Budapest, 2017 - Botlik Richárd - © 2008 - 2024 -

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